Our article “Pica is prevalent and strongly associated with iron deficiency among Hispanic pregnant women living in the United States” recently published in the journal Appetite. Structured interviews (n=187) were conducted with pregnant Hispanic women living in Salinas Valley, California, during their antenatal care visits; hemoglobin, serum transferrin, and an acute phase protein (AGP) were measured alongside questions about sociodemographics, diet, and stress. Ultimately, the high prevalence of pica among this population (30.7% during the current pregnancy, 50.1% ever in life), in addition to its strong association with iron deficiency (aOR 2.58; 95% CI: 1.19, 5.60), indicates that clinicians should screen for pica during ANC visits. The paper can be accessed for free for the next couple of months here.
Pica Among Hispanic Women Living in the US