Ethnonutrition knowledge and dietary diversity in Tanzania

Ethnonutrition knowledge and dietary diversity in Tanzania

Congratulations to Dr. Bronwen Powell! Our paper, based on her excellent dissertation work, is entitled “The determinants of dietary diversity and nutrition: ethnonutrition knowledge of local people in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania“. It was published in the Journal of Ethnobiography and Ethnomedicine.

Anna Earnest is pictured here in her garden where she has planted cassava along the field margin of the tea plantation. Anna lives on a tea estate where her husband works and described the utility of her garden, listed in the following passage: “If I plant cassava like this one, I do not need to buy it, even beans. You will find them [those who work for the tea company and don’t engage in agriculture] drinking tea alone, or tea and boiled banana. And as for cultivated vegetables, I will harvest leafy vegetables and they will eat only dagaa.”