YRG is Back!
Our weekly Young Research Group meetings have started back, and we are working on a ton…
Casey and Hayley Return from Field Work in Kenya
This past summer, undergraduates Casey Benzaken and Hayley Platt spent two months in Kisumu, Kenya, working…
YRG Impresses at ASN 2018
This year, many members from YRG presented at the annual American Society for Nutrition meeting in…
Maggie Presents on Water Insecurity and Infant Feeding Practices
In late March, Maggie Butler presented “Unbreastfed”: The far-reaching consequences of water insecurity for infant feeding”…
Maggie Awarded Travel Grant for Upcoming Breastfeeding Conference
Maggie Butler received the Buffet Institute for Global Studies’ Graduate Student Conference Travel Award to travel…
Vidya and Sera Receive the Resnick Family Social Impact Award!
Vidya Venkataramanan, a postdoctoral fellow, and Prof. Sera Young recently received a grant from the Resnick…